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Upcoming Pet Holidays For The Month Of January
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Pets are always known to shower unconditional love on their owners, teaching us to act compassionately and learn companionship. They have played the roles of entertainer, companion, protector, or our best confidant.
The significance of pets in daily life was brought to light by Colleen Paige, a family and pet lifestyle expert and animal welfare advocate. Colleen is also the founder of National Pets Day. She has also encouraged pet enthusiasts to adopt a shelter pet to provide them with a safe home. Below are a few more pet holidays practiced to celebrate and care for pets.
January Pet holidays
The first month of the year brings a lot of joy and excitement to start with a meaningful resolution. Dedicating a few days to pets in the first month of the year, observing their presence, and focusing on their well-being adds to the essence of the month well spent. The list of national pet holidays for January month is mentioned below, alongside New Year's Day, celebrated on January 1.
Month Long Observances
Walk your pet month-
What better way to start New Year for your pet's holidays than to observe the whole month for its health and well-being? According to research conducted by the Association of pet obesity prevention, 56% of American pet dogs are obese. To prevent the adverse effect of obesity on pets, January is observed as Walk Your Dog month to prevent obesity. Having them accessorized with unique pet bow collars and walking your pet would also be the best way to observe this month.
National train your dog month-
National Train Your Dog Month is observed every January to train pet dogs with social skills and everyday manners with assistance from by Association of Professional Dog Trainers, who provide us with podcasts and webinars offering training programs for animal safety and protection.

One-Day National Pet Day Events
In addition to those mentioned above, below are a few pet holidays.
National pet travel safety day-
National Pet Travel Safety Day, on January 2 of every year, focuses on the travel safety of pets, whether in four-wheelers or airways, a train, or a bus. Essentials such as pet carriers and pheromones. The microchip of these babies is also advisable as it would be difficult for them to find their way back to their owners in unknown surroundings. Assistance from the vets before travel is also a good safety measure.
National bird day-
On January 5 of every year, National Bird Day is celebrated. It was founded in 2002 to celebrate the existence of avians as ancient as dinosaurs. This day also focuses on taking preventive measures to save the bird population from becoming extinct. The birds also act as primary barometers for weather changes.
National dress up your pet day-
January 14 is celebrated as Dress your pet day, a fun event to dress your furry buddies in innovative pet clothing. Personalized bow or flower collars greatly enhance their overall look. This day was initiated in 2009 by Colleen Paige, an animal behaviorist and pet lifestyle expert. Dressing up these pets and having their pictures clicked and uploaded on social sites is a unique way to mark this celebration.
Squirrel appreciation day-
January 21 is the Squirrel Appreciation Day to celebrate the bubbly presence of these adorably cute buddies.
National answer your cat's question day-
Observed on January 22 is one of the pet holidays dedicated to fun and weird questions that could ring a bell about your petting in your cat's mind. Our cat buddies could have doubts like "why are they so obsessed with me that they click hundreds of my pictures in a day?" or" why do you scold me when I scratch the sofa cloth.?" Isn't this day the best time to read your fur buddies' minds?
Change a pet's life day-
Change a Pet Life Day is celebrated on January 24 of every year. This day is celebrated by considering adopting those animals at the shelter homes and those in need. As it could be impossible for one to adopt these animals in need every year, this day could be celebrated even by donating, deciding to foster a pet, or spreading awareness among people to adopt these babies from shelter homes. Gifting rescue homes and adopted pets with some personalized collars is also a great way to show affection to fur buddies.
Seeing-Eye guide dog birthday-
This national dog day is celebrated to mark the birthday of the first-ever Seeing Eye buddy of an American, Morris Frank. Frank, who was blind and frustrated with his immobility, tried to seek assistance after coming across an article related to veterans of World War I who were blind and were aided by dogs trained to guide the blind.
It is important to have prior information about the pet holidays every month, and also, being the first month of the year, it makes your New Year more creative and colorful. Pet holidays are the best occasion to honor the pets by spending quality time with these buddies and having them engage in some fun activities.
CurliTail provides all the essential accessories, such as bow collars, butterfly collars, or a cheer box, to unleash the diva in your pets. Check out their wide range of pet accessories.